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New Member Orientation (Meridian, ID)

October 12

Saturday: 3pm-6pm

Seasons Park
5300 West Ridgeside Street
Meridian, ID 83646

All are welcome to come to New Member Orientation at New Seasons Park in Meridian! There you can learn more about what it takes to become a knight and what non-fighting member positions are like on the team.

For more information, join the IAC Discord.

Ely Renaissance Faire & Pumpkin Festival (Ely, NV)

Oct 19

Saturday, 11am-5pm
Broadbent Park
227 Clark St,
Ely, NV 89301

On October 19, 2024, the Ely Lions Club will present the Ely Renaissance Faire and Pumpkin Festival, bringing medieval merriment, pumpkin pleasantry, and fall frivolity to Broadbent Park, in Ely, Nevada.

Armored combat, blacksmithing, music, bounce houses, carnival games, food trucks, vendors, pumpkin patch, feats of strength, fortune telling, medieval fashion, pets in costumes, Shakespearian drama, siege weaponry and more are all slated to be there. You don't want to miss it!

Free admission to the event!

Read the spotlight from Ely News about the upcoming event here.

For more information, visit the Ely Renaissance Faire Facebook page or Facebook Event.


Come join the fun!

This is a hobby we enjoy participating in and sharing with others. Though participating in the fights may not be for everyone, many people still come out just to watch, meet new people, learn something new, and be a part of the club in many different ways.

Above is a calendar of our upcoming events and practices. Feel free to drop by!